German Soldier Slang

  • Alter - elder; superiors, usually the company commander
  • Alter Mann - old man; with the Afrikakorps used for Italian meat-products (Fleischkonserven)
  • Ami - American soldier
  • Anschiß - crap on; criticism from superiors
  • Aus der Traum - The dream is over; a slogan painted by German soldiers near the end of the war expressing the surreality of their situation
  • Banditen - bandits; partisans in occupied territories
  • Bauchbinde - gut bind; belt
  • Beutegermane - Booty-Teuton; foreign volunteer, also used for the Volksdeutsche (perhaps inferring that they were collaborating exclusively for the benefits)
  • Blechhut - sheet metal hat; helmet
  • Blechkrawatte - tin necktie; Knight's Cross
  • Da war der Grosse Hund los! - The big dog was unleashed there!; All hell broke loose
  • Dachschaden - Roof damage; a head wound
  • Donnerbalken - thunderbeam; latrine (which was a simple log over a pit)
  • Drahtverhau - barbed-wire entanglement; military-issue mixture of dried vegetables
  • Eisenbahn - iron road; railroad
  • Eiserne Kuh - iron cow; canned milk
  • Etappenschwein - rear swine; REMF
  • Fahrkarte - a ticket; a miss, a shot that travelled into the distance
  • Feigling - coward
  • Feldküchensturmabzeichen - field kitchen assault badge; the War Merit Cross
  • Fernkampfmedaille - long distance fighting medal; the War Merit Cross (suggesting the holders were far from the actual fighting when they earned it)
  • Feuerpause - cease fire; a cigarette break
  • Freischärlerunwesen - pestering by guerrillas; guerrilla activities
  • Frontgemeinschaft - front-line comradeship; community
  • Frontkämpfer - front-line soldier
  • Fußlappenindianer - Footwrap Indian; Infantry
  • Gabelschwanzteufel - Fork Tailed Devil; P-38 Lightning
  • Gebirgsmarine - Mountain navy; nonexistant or unheard of military branch
  • Gebetsbuch - prayer book; a Hauptfeldwebel's notebook, usually stored tucked into the open middle button of his tunic
  • Gefrierfleischorden - order of the frozen meat; the East Front Medal
  • Gift - poison; giftig: poisonous, toxic
  • Goldfasan - Golden pheasant; derogatory slang term for high-ranking Nazi Party members
  • Gröfaz - acronym for Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten; derogatory slang term referring to a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early war years; literally, the "Greatest Field Commander of all Time".
  • Gulaschkanone - goulash cannon; field kitchen
  • Halseisen - neck iron; the Knight’s Cross
  • Halsschmerzen - neck ache; had by someone who wants to earn the Knight’s Cross
  • Heimatschuß - homeland shot; a light wound that would send a Soldier home
  • Heldenkeller - Hero cellar; an air raid bunker
  • Heldenklau - Hero thief; an officer who collects stragglers for redeployment
  • Hilfswillige - "hiwi"; volunteer forces usually made up of Soviet volunteers serving in non-combat capacities
  • Himmelfahrtskommando - Ride to heaven command; a deployment with little chance of survival
  • hinrotzen - to sniff back one’s snot; get into hasty cover
  • Hitlersäge - Hitler saw; an MG42 Also named Singende Säge (singing saw), Knochensäge (bone saw) or Hitlersense (Hitler scythe)
  • HJ-Spätlese - vintage Hitler Youth; the Volkssturm
  • Hoffnungsbalken - Hope bars; the tress on an officer candidate’s shoulder boards
  • Horst Wessel Suppe - Horst Wessel Soup; Meat and other good things that “march along with in spirit”
  • Hundemarke - dog tag; the German identity disc
  • Intelligenzstreifen - intelligence stripes; stripes on the trousers of the general staff
  • Itaka - Italienischer Kamerad; Italian Comerade
  • Jabo - Jagdbomber; Fighter-bomber; a shouted warning to take cover from aircraft
  • Kadavergehorsam - carcass obedience; absolute duty and blind obedience till death
  • Kantinenorden - Order of the Cafeteria; the War Merit Cross
  • Kattun - cotton; or denim; to receive heavy fire
  • Kettenhund - chain dog; a Feldgendarm (military police)
  • Knarre - Rattle; rifle
  • Kindersärge - children's coffins; small, wooden antipersonnel box-mines
  • Koffer - suitcase; a heavy grenade
  • Kolbenringe - piston rings; the double litzen on the arm of a Hauptfeldwebel
  • Kriegsgericht - court-martial; a bad meal
  • Kriegverlägerungskreuz - War Displacement Cross; War Merit Cross (in other words, one who was displaced or removed from the war)
  • Krüppelgarde - crippled gard; Volkssturm
  • Landser - historical term for a German infantryman
  • Lametta - tinsel; medals and tresse
  • langmachen - to make long; take cover, lay down
  • Latrinenparole - latrine passwords; gossip
  • Lysol - a sharp schnapps drank by occupation troops in France
  • Makkaroni - macaroni; an Italian
  • Mündungsschoner - muzzle cap; a bad soldier
  • NegerSchweiß - black mans sweat; coffee
  • Oberschnäpser - Oversnapper; an Obergefreiter
  • Panzer-Anklopf-Gerät - Panzer knocking device; (as in knock at a door); term for the 37mm Pak 36
  • Papieroffizier - paper officer; someone in a propaganda company
  • Papiersoldat - paper soldier; someone in a clerical unit
  • Pappkamerad - cardboard comrade; a human cutout for target practice
  • Parteihut - party hat; helmet
  • Partisanen - partisans; lice
  • Punkt zwölf Rehbock - twelve point buck; A soldier who had signed up for a full 12 year enlistment
  • Querschläger - ricochet; an unpopular soldier
  • Rabatz - to kick up a fuss; used for many unpleasant situations, great disorder, violent enemy fire
  • Rasputitsa - slang for watery, mud-filled trenches or landscape in Russia
  • Reichsheini - slang nickname for Reichsführer der SS Heinrich Himmler
  • Ritterkreuzauftrag - Knight's Cross job; suicidal mission
  • robben - crawl; low crawling
  • Rückgrat der Armee - Backbone of the Army;an Obergefreiter, also the experienced Landser
  • die Sahnefront - cream front; occupied Denmark; a lot of food, minuscule fighting
  • Sanka - Sanitätskraftfahrtzeug; field ambulance
  • Sandlatscher - sand traipser; an infantrymen in the Afrika Korps
  • Schleifer - grinder; a brutal training officer, with tankers it also meant a Panzer in need of repair
  • Schmalspuroffizier - narrow gauge officer; the Sonderführer ranks that wore narrow shoulder boards
  • Schlumpfschütze - smurf soldier; a bad soldier
  • Schütze Arsch - soldier ass; the last and worst soldier
  • Schweinereien - scandalous acts; (lit.: "acts of a pig") crimes against civilians
  • Soldaten in Zivilkleidung - soldiers in civilian dress; Partisans
  • Spiegelei - fried egg; the German Cross in Gold
  • Spund - a young soldier or recruit
  • Stalintorte - Stalin cake; stale bread
  • stiften gehen - to move it; to flee
  • Taschenflak - pocket Flak; a pistol
  • Tiefflieger - strafer; , an idiot
  • Untergefreiter - Under Gefreiter; (a non-existent German military rank); a civilian
  • V3 - miracle weapon after the V1 and V2; derogatory for Volkssturm
  • verheizen - to burn; to senselessly sacrifice soldiers
  • Wanzenhammer - bug hammer; a pipe (also used to smack bugs with apparently)
  • Wehrbeitrag - war contribution; to conceive a child during leave
  • Zielwasser - prize water; schnapps
  • Zigarettenbüchse - cigarette tin; the gas mask canister, which was usually used for other things
  • Zwölfender - Twelver; a career soldier whose term is 12 years, especially used for a Stabsfeldwebel

Important Disclaimer! - This is a non-political web page dealing with the history, equipment, life and campaigns of the World War II German airborne soldier (Fallschirmjäger) and World War II reenacting. This website is contains historical information as well as reenacting and living history information. This information includes reenactment photos, historical information covering operations, equipment and photos of World War II Fallschirmjäger in action. The information is catalogued and presented to preserve a clear eyed view of military history and present to the public an accurate representation of a World War II German airborne unit. We do not tolerate or condone any form of racism, radical or extremist activities, or persons with supremacist, fascist or racist political motives or beliefs and we do not support nor glorify the reprehensible policies of the Nazi Party. We do not tolerate, support, or condone any activities of any neo-nazi party organizations, any extremist, anti-immigrant or anti-semetic organizations.
Question? Feldpost der feldwebel.